Stafford Station Gateway Masterplan
A vibrant new community for Stafford

Our masterplan will deliver a thriving, vibrant new community within Stafford; a new destination in the town, where people will want to live, work and visit.

The masterplan transforms 27 hectares of brownfield land to the west of Stafford Station, with the potential to deliver high quality, low-carbon homes, Grade A office space, a new hotel, retail and leisure space.

It responds to the local context by enhancing the existing lake, creating a new Doxey Brook, and maximising biodiversity opportunities through new public realm and landscaping. All development will be designed to be sustainable and adaptable to climate change pressures.

Central to the development of the masterplan is the creation of distinct neighbourhoods that foster a sense of ownership and pride; walkable neighbourhoods that are well connected to the town centre, encourage more active lifestyles and prioritise community wellbeing.

Project details
Project name: Stafford Station Gateway Masterplan
Location: Stafford, UK
Scope: Masterplanning
Clients: London Continental Railways (LCR), Stafford Borough Council and Staffordshire County Council
Status: Complete
Completion date: 2020