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What is preventing our designs from being recycled?

May 21, 2024


30 Clerkenwell Road

Join us at the UK’s leading design festival to find out


As a fringe partner of this year’s Clerkenwell Design Week, we are delighted to be hosting a panel discussion and networking drinks in our new London studio on the opening night.

Oli Stratford, Editor in Chief at Disegno, will be exploring the challenges of designing for disassembly and re-use with a panel of experts from across the commercial interiors product life cycle including:

  • Alara Sipahioglu, Creative designer-engineer
  • Phil Towle, Head of Sustainability & Supply Chain, The Furniture Practice
  • Morag Morrison, Partner & Interior Design lead, Hawkins\Brown
  • Emily Samoluk, Sustainability Manager, British Land

Register for Clerkenwell Design Week below and we’ll see you there.

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