Raheela Khan-Fitzgerald named RIBA Rising Star
Architectural Assistant and sustainability champion recognised for her invaluable work, notably the design and integration of H\B:ERT

Congratulations to Raheela Khan-Fitzgerald for being named RIBA Rising Star! Raheela is a passionate sustainability advocate and made an invaluable contribution to the sustainability team in helping to shape H\B:ERT – the Revit plug-in that can test the embodied carbon emissions of different material options at any time during the design process.
Her other achievements include being awarded Hawkins\Brown’s research bursary last year to develop H\B:ERT further, winning the practice the AJ100 Best Use of Technology Award as a result.
Raheela has also volunteered personal and professional time to the London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI), co-authoring the chapter ‘Rules of thumb’ of the Embodied Carbon Primer, which then fed into the Climate Emergency Design Guide.
You can read the RIBA’s full appraisal of Raheela here.
Raheela is doing a lot collaboratively to address climate change, including the communication of it as a key design driver. If more architects did this kind of work, it would put me out of my job.